Education Resources
- Education resources
- Ariel Trust
- MYA Mentors in Violence Programme
- Afta Thought
- BOXALL Licence for every Primary, Secondary, Special and PRU in Merseyside and Training with School Improvement Liverpool
- Trauma Informed training for public services and schools
- Zones of regulation training
Education Services

Skills for Healthy Relationships (Primary schools)
‘Grassing or Grooming’ resources and training for our primary teachers provided by Ariel Trust – helping children identify and resist grooming associated with gangs and violent crime
MVRP commissions Ariel Trust to provide resources/training opportunities for a skills-based approach to violence prevention education, focusing particularly on resilience and communication skills. The current three units are ‘Grassing or Grooming’ (helping children identify and resist grooming associated with gangs and violent crime), ‘Send Me a Selfie’ (tackling the issue around the sharing of online images) and ‘Resisting Radicalisation’.
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP)
Our ‘Mentors in Violence Prevention’ delivered in secondary schools by the Merseyside Youth Association is a peer to peer leadership programme addressing serious violence themes and equipping young people to become active bystanders. Find out more here.
Schools can view an animation on the scheme, by visiting
Find out what it means to young people to graduate from the MVP programme here: Mentors in Violence Prevention Graduation Celebration Event 2023 – YouTube
Mentors in Violence Prevention MVRP Delivering Violence Reduction Learning
Theatre tour exploring issues around Misogyny and Violence against Women and Girls (Sixth form and FE colleges)
- MVRP has commissioned Aftathought to create ‘Call It Out’, performances providing a deeper dive into the drivers that can impact boys’ perspective of women and girls from an early age.
- ‘Peer on Peer sexual abuse awareness training’ for our college students provided by Afta Thought
Available to every school across Merseyside a 1 year Free Boxall Licence together with Free training from School Improvement Liverpool.
Boxall is an assessment tool used to support early identification of needs, targeted intervention and allows schools the opportunity to track emotional progress along side academic progress.

Find out more about dates and venues on our Trauma Informed pages, including how to book on the FREE training.
Training for schools to understand how using the Zones of Regulation can support children to understand their own emotional states and how to move between them.

Media and related organisation can download pictures where they are made available for public use, but we would ask you to ensure copyright is used in conjunction with the image: Reproduced with kind permissions from Merseyside’s Violence Reduction Partnership.