Our Objectives
To address our priorities and meet the needs of our communities, we are committed to:
- Ensuring a public health approach drives and underpins all that we do, proactively promoting this with our partners and other organisations.
- Ensuring that community is at the heart of everything that we do – serious violence cannot be addressed if we do not work with and for our communities. MVRP will ensure it’s work is underpinned by the voices of young people and communities across Merseyside.
- Ensuring a trauma informed approach underpins all services, recognising how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have shaped lives and lead to problems which can be focused inwardly or outwardly.
- Taking an evidence-based approach to identifying root causes of serious violence to prevent and tackle serious violence. We will also use this evidence base, theory, data, and evaluation to inform our programmes and direct our funding in the best way.
- Facilitating multi-agency working at both an operational and strategic level. Maximising resources, coordinating activity, reducing duplication, sharing best practice and helping to integrate and embed practice across a range of partners.
- Transparent allocation of resources, with opportunities and processes for funding publicised through networks. Ensuring funding is coordinated to tackle county-wide causes of serious violence, whilst also providing funding at a local level to ensure bespoke causes and issues are addressed, in a transparent and accountable way.
- Implementing and supporting sustainable practices, supporting early collaboration through project design phases to plan for long term implementation and ability to embed or achieve alternative funding.
- Ensuring poverty, inequality and deprivation is recognised as a continuous thread throughout the work of the MVRP team, the MVRP strategy, and all decision making, alongside all of our partners to ensure we can effectively mitigate the risks and struggles facing our communities.