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In total, 20 Violence Reduction Units (VRUs) have been established across England and Wales to help tackle knife and gun crime and homicide.

In Merseyside, we renamed our unit to the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership because we believe it reflects the way we work and approach this challenge.

Our team

The MVRP brings together Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue, local government, National Probation Service, Public Health, the Department of Work and Pensions and the county’s Youth Offending Service, as well as health and education professionals, community leaders and other key partners with one specific aim:

To work with partners to prevent and reduce serious violence in Merseyside

We are focused on intervening in a positive way to help young people and families from before birth to young adulthood.

Our Mission

Our mission was created having listened to young people and their families (see Youth Voice).

The MVRP believes we can all learn by sharing best practice. All of our projects are independently evaluated to ensure the greatest benefits for our communities and all our projects and programmes are based on the best available evidence.

You can read those reports and access resources to prevent serious violence by visiting our Resources page.

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Watch this film about the MVRP